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St. Matthew’s Catholic School Religious education program includes daily religion instruction emphasizing family life, social justice, Gospel values and Christian service. Gospel values are integrated into all classes.  

  • Catholic values shared through religious instruction is at the heart of all we do and who we are as a Catholic school.

  • Students in grades K through 8 pray several times every day and attend weekly Mass.

  • Students in grade 2 focus on the Sacraments, specifically,  Reconciliation and Holy Communion.  Topics also include the Church: Militant, Suffering and Triumphant.

Language Arts


St. Matthew’s Catholic School Language Arts curriculum includes reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and visual representation.  The course incorporates technology where appropriate and encourages its use during research and presentation activities. Instruction includes a focus on questioning practices to promote higher order thinking skills and occurs in whole class, small group and individual settings.

  • Students in Kindergarten use the Starfall Reading series and Daily 5 program.

  • Students in grades 1 and 2 use the Houghton Mifflin series for reading and writing using Daily 5 for supplemental materials.  Phonics and grammar topics are taught using the Abeka Phonics/Language program.

  • Students in grades 3 through 8 use a variety of source materials to enhance reading and writing communication skills.

  • Reading and writing are combined to support student learning. Literature is the mainstay of the reading program.

  • Students read fiction and nonfiction materials that encompass all content areas.

  • Students will create logical written arguments based on substantive claims and sound evidence.

Social Studies


St. Matthew’s Catholic School Social Studies curriculum is taught in grades Kindergarten through grade 8.  

  • Topics include social structures, communities, geography, history, culture, politics, economics and Montana history.

  • Students participate in field trips and conduct research projects. 

  • Students will apply learned skills and behaviors to real-world situations.



St. Matthew’s Catholic School Science curriculum is taught in grades Kindergarten through 8. Students participate in a yearly Science Fair.

  • Students in grades K through 5 study science weekly with instruction in Life Science, Physical Science and Earth Science.

  • Students in grades 6 through 8 study science principles with weekly hands-on labs.

  • Students in grade 6 study Earth Science covering topics such as geology, earthquakes, astronomy, glaciers, rivers, streams and Mt. Everest.

  • Students in grade 7 study Biology covering topics such as classification, cells, DNA, genetics, ecology, evolution and the human body systems.  

  • Students in grade 8 study Physical Science and Chemistry covering topics such as Newton’s Laws of Motion, electricity and magnetism, atomic theory, and Periodic Table.

Computers / Technology


St. Matthew’s Catholic School’s technology program encourages responsible use of technology.  Its classrooms are equipped with Smartboard technology and school-wide WIFI.  

  • Students in grades K through 5 have formal computer instruction once a week.

  • Students in grades 3 and 4 have formal keyboarding instruction 2-3X per week.

  • Students in grades 3 through 8 are assigned a school Google account where they work in Google drive completing online projects.

  • Students in grades 6 through 8 are provided a chromebook for daily in-school assignments. 

  • The school yearbook is produced by eighth grade students.

Computer lessons are in line with the following standards: Montana, CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning), AASL (American Association of School Librarians), and ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education).



St. Matthew’s Catholic School Music curriculum is a comprehensive program based on state and national guidelines for grades K through 8.

  • The program utilizes the GAMEPLAN curriculum.

  • This comprehensive program includes music appreciation, rhythm, reading basic notation, history of music, genre immersion, and liturgical music.

  • Students participate in music programs and acquire basic knowledge of simple instruments.

  • Students in grades 5 through 8 have the option of taking an additional Band class preparing them for a valley-wide music festival in the spring.



St. Matthew’s Catholic School Art curriculum is taught in grades K through 8. The focus is on the use of various art media, art appreciation and history, and art displays.

  • The art curriculum begins with an introduction to visual art with opportunities to experiment with a variety of materials.

  • Students are engaged in a range of purposeful and inventive experiences through which they can develop skills associated with creating and responding to  their own and others’ artwork.

Physical Education


St. Matthew’s Catholic School Physical Education program is taught in grades K through 8. The emphasis is on basic skills, movement, fair play, exercise, games, and the rules and skills of games.  The program goal is to impact the health and quality of life of children and adolescents creating quality lifelong fitness habits.

  • Physical activities will be performed in an active, supportive and non-threatening atmosphere.

  • All students, regardless of physical ability will be challenged to achieve success in a spirit of cooperation, sportsmanship, and respect for one’s self and others.



St. Matthew’s Catholic School Health Education program is taught in grades 6 through 8 with an emphasis on nutrition and care of the body. 

  • Students continue to explore and practice the skills necessary for developing lifelong positive health habits. 

  • Students will learn about health and wellness, stress, social health, and development, growth and change.



St. Matthew’s Catholic School’s library program encourages responsible use and care of books. It offers students a wide variety of genres, supports the Accelerated Reader program, and meets various standards for library media curriculum.  

  • Students in grades K through 5 have formal library instruction once a week.

  • Students in grades 6 through 8 visit the library once a week, or on an as-needed basis.

  • Library lesson plans align with with Montana Standards for Information Literacy/Library Media* (*Information Literacy/Library Media Content Standards and Performance Descriptors Adopted August 2008; Montana Office of Public Instruction; Currently being revised.

  • Library lesson plans are designed to align with both the State Standards for English/Language Arts and the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) National School Library Standards.

    • Although the lessons are not designed to provide comprehensive coverage, they cover a range of standards related to reading, writing, and speaking and listening skills. They work well as a supplement to the regular language arts curriculum. It also gives the library the opportunity to collaborate with regular classroom teachers.



St. Matthew’s Catholic School Mathematics curriculum includes problem solving, reasoning and proving, reflecting, selecting tools and computational strategies, connecting, representing and communicating.  

  • Students in grades K through 5 use Abeka daily during math instruction.

  • Students in grades 6 through 8 use Sadlier Math.

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