St. Matthew’s Catholic School provides a nurturing and enriching environment that teaches Gospel values and promotes academic excellence in the Catholic tradition.

School-Wide Learning Expectations
Live the virtues
Student shows respect for God, self and others, follows the Golden Rule. Demonstrates and practices Catholic beliefs, prayers and traditions, incorporates service before self.
Know what's right, do what's right
Student demonstrates truth and honesty by upholding moral principles and virtues, takes responsibility for actions, exhibits self-control and self-discipline, cares for school and others’ property.
Have a growth mindset
Student perseveres to complete assignments in a timely manner, works independently and cooperatively and has a growth mindset. Shows enthusiasm and engagement for learning, meets or exceeds curriculum standards, and applies knowledge to real world issues.

Donate to St. Matthew's School
Please consider a donation to St. Matthew's Catholic School. Any donation is greatly appreciated!
Call the Parish Office to arrange a gift. (406 752 6788) Thank you!